Charity Services
We provide a range of services to small and medium sized charities. Our enthusiastic staff provide an exceptional standard of service and aim to help charities conform with the complex and ever expanding list of legal and statutory requirements.
Our services include:
- Accounts preparation
- Independent examinations
- Charity Management
- Gift Aid
Accounts preparation:
We provide a full accountancy production service to both unincorporated charities and also incorporated charities, ensuring that all requirements set out by both Companies House (for incorporated charities) and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) are adhered to.
We can also help with matters such as annual returns and accounts submissions to both Companies House and OSCR. For those charities that prepare accounts in house we can ensure that all OSCR requirements are met.
Independent Examinations:
All unincorporated charities with a gross income or total expenditure between £10,000 and £250,000 are required by law to have an independent examination of their yearly accounts.
Our dedicated team of staff have a wealth of knowledge in preparing charity accounts to meet the range of legal requirements of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) and carrying out the statutory examination.
TopˆCharity Management:
We also provide a range of services aimed at reducing the time spent by charity members filling out paperwork and instead enabling members to focus all their time on charitable activities.
Our many services include:
- Full computerised bookkeeping service
- Payroll administration
- Budget setting and planning
- Treasury services
- General consultancy
Our friendly staff aim to cater for your individual charity needs in order to provide your charity with the knowledge and guidance necessary to fully comply with all current regulations and requirements.
Gift Aid Services:
Charities can claim back the UK basic rate of tax on Gift Aid donations made by individuals who are subject to UK income tax.
Our gift aid services ensure that your charity reclaims the full amount of Gift Aid possible, helping to boost charity finances, while at the same time ensuring you can concentrate on the core activities of the charity.
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